INVORG enables the digital transformation of organizations by providing innovative digital solutions.

Through innovative digital solutions, we help organizations build new digital capabilities or enhance existing digital capabilities to solve several business challenges such as ineffective data management and sharing, unoptimized business processes, inefficient reporting, high cost of maintaining and managing digital ecosystem, ballooning cost of delivering services, inability to leverage emerging technologies to enhance business opportunities, lack of knowledge and tools to manage data security and privacy, etc. By solving these problems, we help our clients achieve their business goals and objectives.

INVORG is in the business of uplifting individuals, families, and communities through digital transformation.

Annual Conference – 2022

INVORG marked its 2022 Annual Strategic Planning and Professional Development Conference: “Uplift 2022”.
The event was held in Kandy, Sri Lanka, from 17th to 19th November 2022 for three days.

Members from all three regions of the INVORG Sri Lanka branch came together beyond the virtual world to get to know each other better and share their experiences, knowledge, and skills.

INVORG Gallery

Who We Serve

We help human upliftment service organizations innovate, through digital transformation.

Q: Do you belong to an organization delivering services to uplift individuals, families, and communities? 

Q: Would digital transformation enhance your ability to deliver services effectively, efficiently and economically while improving your clients’ experience and outcomes? 

If you have answered “YES” INVORG would be your trusted partner in digital transformation.


Health and Community Transportation Services
Newcomers and Refugees Settlement Services
Community Information and Referral Services
Home and Community Support Services
Imagine the service you'd like us to help you digitally transform
Bereavement Services
Local Government Constituent Services
Employee Performance Management Services
Health and Community Referral Services
Children, Music Education and Assessment Services


Our solutions consist of innovative products and services, enabling the transformation of operations and service delivery, resulting in efficiency, effectiveness and cost reduction.

The INVORG team, with years of experience, leverages emerging technologies such as cloud, mobility, AI, Machine learning, Big data, social, etc. and industry best practices, methodologies, standards, frameworks and tools to deliver innovative solutions.


INVORG provides innovative digital products for an affordable investment to meet the current and emerging needs of health, education, community and government organizations.

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INVORG delivers digital transformation services combining over 100 years digital and business experience with innovative approaches, methods, frame works and tools.

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is INVORG for you?

To make your organizational transformation successful, we would like to ensure our products and services align with your needs.

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INVORG is one of the few elite and PURPOSE DRIVEN digital transformation organizations dedicated to uplifting individuals, families and communities by partnering with organizations in health, education, home and community support and government sectors. We solve business challenges leveraging the digital and create new opportunities for our partners and their stakeholders through digital transformation.

Our clients have chosen to work with us and stay with us because we have extensive experience in implementing innovative digital solutions that deliver results.

Purpose Driven

We are passionate about uplifting communities through innovative digital solutions.

Trusted Advice

Through our knowledge and expertise, we have earned our clients’ trust as their partners in transformation.

Fair Pricing

We ensure the financial capability of an organization is not an impediment to their digital transformation.

Strategic Partners

Partnering with our domain experts and digital leaders, we deliver innovative digital solutions for an affordable investment to maximize the value for our clients and for their stakeholders. Together we uplift communities.

Let’s Connect

Let’s take the first step to understand your organization’s digital needs to achieve your business goals and objectives.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” – Lao Tzu

    Health and community referral services

    Health and Community Referral Services enable organizations to connect and collaborate with several service organizations to meet the unique needs of clients. This referral platform connects the clients to appropriate organizations that specialize in health, financial and shelter services, and have the capacity to deliver them. This platform seamlessly integrates all stakeholders involved in service delivery to improve the life and health of individuals.

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    Health and Community Transportation Services

    Effective, efficient and economical health and community transportation service is integral for improving health and quality of life of individuals, specially seniors. QRyde is a community transportation digital platform that enables organizations to optimize their transportation resources to deliver low-cost transportation services efficiently and effectively. This powerful cloud-based platform is designed and developed by experts with 20 years of experience in transportation services.

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    Children, Music Education And Assessment Services

    Music is a universal language. It enriches the lives of the young and old. Music education helps children to develop cognitive capabilities and allows adults to enjoy the harmony of life. Music Education and Assessment services Digital Platform helps organizations to effectively and efficiently manage all aspects of music learning and evaluation activities from end-to-end. This enriches the journey of music learning.

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    Newcomers and Refugees settlement Services

    Our Newcomers Engagement and Empowerment Platform consists of integrated digital capabilities to enable newcomer support service organizations to plan, coordinate and deliver services efficiently and effectively. This case management platform enables the optimization of resources in delivering services while providing an enriching experience to newcomers.

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    Community information and Referral Services

    Community empowerment digital platform connects various organizations and enable them deliver services in a coordinated and collaborated manner. Providing accurate information and connecting individuals and families with right service organization will enhance the experience of clients and service providers.

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    Home and Community Support Services

    Our Client-Centered Care Platform keeps clients and caregivers at the center of service delivery. This platform enables organizations involved in delivering home and community support services to plan, coordinate and deliver services in collaboration with all stakeholders to provide an enriching client experience. This platform helps the clients achieve optimal health outcomes.

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    Imagine the service you'd like us to help you digitally transform

    Imagine the service you’d like us to help you digitally transform.

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    Bereavement Services

    Helping people deal with the grief of losing a loved one is essential for the upliftment of individuals and families. Our digital platform helps organizations to provide services to grieving families and individuals in an effective manner.

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    Local Government Constituent services

    MuniLogic SE is an innovative, comprehensive, secure and affordable digital platform. It’s designed to enable municipalities, counties and cities of all sizes to strategize, plan, design, execute and manage their operations and growth.

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    Employee Performance Management Services

    This platform consists of integrated digital capabilities to provide all stakeholders with a seamless and enriching experience.
    Suggestion :This platform consists of integrated digital capabilities to provide all stakeholders with an enriching experience.

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