4 Reasons not-for-profit organizations should embrace digital transformation
How can digital transformation help revolutionize not-for-profit organizations and improve their processes and services?
Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash
Not-for-profit organizations can stand to gain a lot from digital solutions and digital transformation. From increased efficiency to a larger donor base, not-for-profits can benefit in a variety of ways. We have seen the private sector rapidly adopt digital solutions and not-for-profits should do the same in order to keep up with the competition and provide better services. There are many reasons for not-for-profits to digitize their organizations. Here are four of the most important ones:
1) Increased Efficiency
One of the biggest advantages that not-for-profits can realize from digital transformation is increased efficiency. With digital tools, many processes become less labor-intensive and can be completed more quickly. For not-for-profits that often operate on tight budgets, this can be a huge advantage. It is also important to consider the manpower available to not-for-profit organizations. Many not-for-profit organizations rely on volunteers to help with various tasks and projects. Digital transformation can help not-for-profits make the most of their volunteers’ time by automating tasks that would traditionally be completed manually. The other factor to consider when thinking about efficiency is streamlining processes. Legacy processes can often involve a lot of redundant steps that take up a lot of time. There are a variety of digital solutions that can help not-for-profits streamline everything from donor management to project planning and help them eliminate redundant steps. This allows them to do more with fewer resources as well as complete tasks faster.
2) Improved Donor Relations
Another big reason why not-for-profits should consider digital transformation is the impact it can have on donor relations. First and foremost, not-for-profits need to consider how they are communicating with their donors. In an age where people are used to getting information quickly and easily, not-for-profits need to embrace digital communication in order to keep up. This means not only being active on social media but also considering other digital channels such as email, text messaging, or internal messaging systems. Digital communication not only allows not-for-profits to reach their donors more easily but also provides a way to track engagement and ensure that communications are having the desired effect. Additionally, not-for-profits can use digital solutions to improve the donor experience by making it easier for donors to give. There are a variety of digital donation platforms that not-for-profits can use to make it easy for donors to give, whether it be one-time or recurring donations. These platforms not only make it easier for donors to give but also provide not-for-profits with valuable data about who is giving, where they heard about the organization, and how much they are giving. This data can be used to not only improve donor relations but also help not-for-profits make strategic decisions about where to allocate their resources. For organizations that rely heavily on donor support, improved donor relations are a huge reason for not-for-profits to embrace digital solutions and digital transformation.
3) Greater Reach
Finally, not-for-profits should consider digital transformation in order to reach a wider audience. In the past, not-for-profit organizations were often limited by their geographical location. However, with the internet, not-for-profits can reach people all over the world. This is a huge advantage, especially for organizations that are trying to raise awareness about their cause or solicit donations from individuals or businesses. Additionally, not-for-profits can use digital channels to target specific demographics or audiences in order the strategically improve fundraising initiatives. For not-for-profits that want to reach a wider audience and have a greater impact, digital transformation is essential. Fundraising aside, greater reach also helps them communicate with people who may need their services. This helps them not only fulfill their mission but also have a greater impact on the communities they serve.
4) Harnessing and utilizing data
Data is becoming increasingly important not just in the for-profit sector but also for not-for-profits. This is because data provides insights that can help not-for-profits make more informed decisions about their programs, fundraising initiatives, and overall strategy. Not-for-profits can use data to track their progress, assess their impact, understand their donors, and much more. Additionally, not-for-profits can use data to improve their communication strategies, identify new opportunities, and make sure that they are allocating their resources in the most efficient way possible. For not-for-profits, harnessing the power of data is essential to remaining competitive and relevant. And with digital transformation, not-for-profit organizations can not only harness data but also utilize it to its full potential.
Digital transformation offers a variety of benefits for not-for-profit organizations. From improved donor relations to greater reach, not-for-profits need to consider how they can utilize digital solutions to improve their operations. For not-for-profits that want to stay ahead of the curve, embrace digital transformation.
If you are a not-for-profit organization looking to embark on your digital transformation journey, INVORG is here to help. INVORG is dedicated to helping not-for-profit organizations digitally transform and embrace all the benefits digital solutions have to offer. We can help you prepare, plan, and execute your digital transformation in a way that works and is sustainable for your organization. We know digital transformation is not a one size fits all, and we are here to find the right fit for you. To learn more about how INVORG can help your organization embark on its digital transformation journey, visit us today at www.invorg.com.
About the authors:
Hannah Hillier
Hannah is a professional content creator and writer. After graduation from the Public Relations program at Cambrian College, Hannah has gone on to start a successful freelance writing career. She is passionate about bringing words to life in a way that makes complicated topics more approachable. From website content to full articles, Hannah loves to find ways to communicate with any audience effectively. She currently lives and works in Sudbury Ontario.
Joseph Edward
Joseph founded INVORG focusing on a client-centric service delivery platform for innovating local organizations, not-for-profits, home and community support organizations, and small to medium-sized businesses. Joseph holds a Chief Information Officer Certification from Carnegie Melon University, USA, and from the US General Services Administration. He is an IT veteran with over 20 years of leadership in technology, including four years as CTO for the city of London.